The Signature Challenge by Movement By NM is slick and beautiful, which just may make you want to do the 10-day workout series every day.
Tag: fitness
How 40-something TV personality Natalie Sexton went from frustrated with her workouts to enviable abs and #sweatselfies.
You’ve heard that exercise as simple as walking can boost your mood and your mental sharpness. Here’s what happened when those claims were put to the test.
What is a life coach? How much does a personal coach cost? These questions and more answered, plus I share my own experience with one.
Tired of booty bands snapping or rolling down? Me too. That’s why I’m glad I discovered this new design: Everlast Woven Resistance Band.
It’s a balancing act, trying to work out at home. With kids. During a COVID-19, lockdowns and. These moms know it – and share their workouts.
Will a Pilates challenge actually change your body? You bet your perfectly round bottom it does. Here’s what it did for me.
How working from home has affected our steps (and our fitness). Plus, a few exercise alternatives for those of us who need to move more.
When a workout doesn’t feel like work, you know you are at Sweat and Tonic. It’s the most indulgent place to exercise.