Tired of booty bands snapping or rolling down? Me too. That’s why I’m glad I discovered this new design: Everlast Woven Resistance Band.
Getting stronger is always a goal. But so is feeling damn good. FLEETSTREET covers the latest in fitness. We sweat the sesh ahead of time so you knowwhether it’s worth your while.
Is the Peloton barre collection worth putting on sticky socks? Find out if this class is for you.
It’s a balancing act, trying to work out at home. With kids. During a COVID-19, lockdowns and. These moms know it – and share their workouts.
Will a Pilates challenge actually change your body? You bet your perfectly round bottom it does. Here’s what it did for me.
Melissa Wood-Tepperberg’s workout method promises long, lean lines and serious results. Here’s what we thought.
You will sweat. You will swear. And you will love it. Read on for our fitness class review of Bike Bootcamp from the Peloton app.
How to dress, even when it’s appalling outside.
How working from home has affected our steps (and our fitness). Plus, a few exercise alternatives for those of us who need to move more.
When a workout doesn’t feel like work, you know you are at Sweat and Tonic. It’s the most indulgent place to exercise.
Read on for our review of the choreo-free Studio Spin on Queen Street East.